Revenue Strategy for Accommodation suppliers
Start anytime
Study anywhere
Practical skills
Be job ready
Affordable from US$55
Pathway to Revenue
12 Months Access
Globally recognised
Course Overview
A revenue strategy is critical to the success of a hotel’s revenue management philosophy. A revenue strategy allows the entire revenue team to discuss, strategise, and understand what the goals are for the hotel, and how to work towards these goals. This course provides examples of good strategies and how the revenue team members should use the strategy to make decisions.
You will learn
- To understand the components of a good revenue strategy;
- Different revenue strategies explained;
- Pricing Strategy;
- How to use the Revenue Strategy to manage day-to-day tactics;
- Inventory Control -how inventory can impact on sales. If forecasting constraint, monitor to ensure controls do not have too big an impact and adjusting strategy where necessary and why revenue managers might withhold inventory.
- Those pursuing the HSMAI Revenue Ready “Certificate in Revenue Management (Hospitality)”
- This course serves as a learning base for those who wish to do further study on revenue management to get into a revenue role;
- People just starting in the revenue department will benefit from learning how revenue people can influence booking volumes at their property.
- This course can be a stand-alone course for people wanting to learn about the long-term strategy hoteliers use to increase profits. You could be an asset owner, management company, holiday rental agent or hotelier wondering if it’s worth investing funds into revenue management systems and dedicated revenue management resources.
- Vendors or partners in the travel & tourism industry interested in how accommodation suppliers plan their business volume.
This course is created by Hoteliers, for Hoteliers. The leaders in hotels around the global have worked together to create a curriculum for people looking to grow their careers in revenue management. This course was developed by the HSMAI Revenue Advisory Board with the kind support of IDeaS Revenue Management Solutions.
Read more about the hotel leaders who helped create this course.
- HSMAI Members pay only US$55 for this course, or get your Certificate and complete the 10-course program for just US$400, a saving of US$150
Non-members pay only US$65 for the single course, or get your Certificate and complete the 10-course program for just US$550
- One step closer in getting your Certificate in Revenue Management (Hospitality)
- 12 months online access to course material
- Globally recognised, HSMAI accredited course