A Guide to starting Hotel Total Revenue Management
TRM has been discussed and debated for a number of years, without any practical framework to use as a guide. The authors have developed this whitepaper to outline the importance of TRM, the implications and benefits. Additionally, it provides a roadmap to aid hoteliers in the navigation and implementation of TRM.
- What are the benefits of TRM
- Increase revenue and profits
- How hotels are starting to implement TRM
- There are two approaches to define total revenue management and three additional aspects to consider.
Stakeholders have different perspectives, but they all benefit by implementing Total Revenue Management (TRM).
Read why you can’t succeed without stakeholders support.
- Now is the right time to start
- Make the change grow revenue and profit for the hotel and personal growth and development for all team members.
- Now is the right time to start
- Make the change grow revenue and profit for the hotel and personal growth and development for all team members.
Watch the Webinar class recording
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