Recruiting & Retaining Hospitality Revenue people

Recruiting and Retaining Hospitality Revenue people

For General Managers and Directors who manage the Revenue function

  • Start anytime

  • Study anywhere

  • Practical skills

  • Be job ready

  • Affordable from US$55

  • Pathway to Certificate program

  • 12 Months Access

  • Globally recognised

How to recruit, assess and manage modern Hotel Revenue people

  • Learn about the role the Revenue function should be providing, the structure, skills you need in the team, and how to retain the right people. The hotel industry does not have one organisational structure that can work in all environments, cultures, or companies, whether you have one person who performs the revenue role, or a whole department. The organisational structure that works best for each hotel or company will strongly depend on four key elements which will be explained in the course. Recruiting, testing, assessing people is key to developing a good revenue function.  Whether you’re hiring a full-time team member, a whole team or an outsourcing partner, the selection process is just as important.Implementing and supporting a revenue culture across the business is important for all hospitality businesses.  Learn more about this as well as how to manage revenue people and how to grow their skills and retain them in your business.
  • NOTE: If you’re looking to learn more about managing the function of revenue management, as opposed to the people, you might also like to check into our other course “Managing the Hospitality Revenue function“.
 You will learn
    • To understand the different types of organisational structures and the benefits and challenges of each;
    • To understand the importance of a revenue management culture;
    • To understand the different types of Revenue structures and the benefits and challenges of each – should you outsource?;
    • To understand the key elements of how revenue management integrates into an organisation;
    • Recruiting revenue-skilled people including questions to ask
    • How to identify relevant skills in an interview situation
    • Learn about the various roles that Revenue staff perform depending on the size of your team
    • How to grow and retain your RM people
    • Managing Revenue people

  • This course can be a stand-alone course for hotel and hospitality professionals wanting to learn about the methods hoteliers can use to manage and develop the revenue management people under their management
  • Anyone looking for best practice from the industry body for sales, marketing & revenue management people in hospitality
  • This course serves as a learning base for those who wish to do further study on any strategic marketing or commercial areas
  • Hotel professionals wishing to learn more about managing the commercial area of a hotel
  • Those pursuing the HSMAI “Certificate in Business Acumen (Hospitality)”

This course is created by Hoteliers, for Hoteliers. The leaders in hotels around the world have worked together to create a curriculum for people looking to grow their general management skills and acumen. The authors of this course are the HSMAI Revenue Advisory Board who develop best practice for hoteliers around the world as well as some select Revenue Consultants who manage many different types of properties and have a broad perspective of experience.  HSMAI has valuable volunteers serving on our Advisory Boards that make these amazing courses possible.  Learn from the best.

  • HSMAI Members pay only US$55 for this course
  • Non-members pay only US$65 for the single course
  • The course counts as credit towards earning a Certificate in Business Acumen (Hospitality)
  • 12 months online access to course material
  • Globally recognised, Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) accredited course
Recruiting & Retaining Hospitality Revenue people
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