Are you catering for Muslim travellers?
By 2026 this will be a US$300b travel sector
Many hotel marketers are learning about Chinese travellers; what they like to do, where they search and book their travel. This is understandable as China is a massive, and growing source market for many destinations. But have you thought about the Muslim travel sector? According to research from Mastercard and HalalTrip, the sector was worth US$1.8b in 2018 and will grow to a massive US$300billion by 2026.
Even more importantly, the sector of Muslim travellers who are Millennials will be 1/3! So, the Muslim Millennial alone will be worth US$100b by 2026. That’s not far away.
At the HSMAI Hotel Strategy Conference in Singapore in July 2019, Fazal Bahardeen, Founder & CEO, Crescent Rating and described this important sector. Here are some things I learnt just from from watching the session (in the video below):
- The unexpectedly high volume of travellers and dollars
- Surprisingly high Muslim Millennial travel sector
- “Halal” means “permissable” so Halal food just refers to food that is “permissable” for Muslims to eat (interesting fact)
- Faith-based needs while travelling and whilst they are guests in your property
- The most important needs to address
- What Muslims use “those funny sections” in public bathrooms for
- 3 Personas hoteliers can use to target Muslim guests
Checkout the video for more details, and learn for yourself the things you need to know about Muslim guests.