Are you catering for Muslim travellers?


By 2026 this will be a US$300b travel sector

Many hotel marketers are learning about Chinese travellers; what they like to do, where they search and book their travel.  This is understandable as China is a massive, and growing source market for many destinations.  But have you thought about the Muslim travel sector?  According to research from Mastercard and HalalTrip, the sector was worth US$1.8b in 2018 and will grow to a massive US$300billion by 2026.

Even more importantly, the sector of Muslim travellers who are Millennials will be 1/3!  So, the Muslim Millennial alone will be worth US$100b by 2026.  That’s not far away.


2026 Size of the Muslim travel market-millennials





At the HSMAI Hotel Strategy Conference in Singapore in July 2019, Fazal Bahardeen, Founder & CEO, Crescent Rating and described this important sector.  Here are some things I learnt just from from watching the session (in the video below):

  • The unexpectedly high volume of travellers and dollars
  • Surprisingly high Muslim Millennial travel sector
  • “Halal” means “permissable”  so Halal food just refers to food that is “permissable” for Muslims to eat (interesting fact)
  • Faith-based needs while travelling and whilst they are guests in your property
  • The most important needs to address
  • What Muslims use “those funny sections” in public bathrooms for
  • 3 Personas hoteliers can use to target Muslim guests

Checkout the video for more details, and learn for yourself the things you need to know about Muslim guests.

Check out the full Mastercard and HalalTrip report

Read the full report and see a lot more information on Muslim Travellers in the updated 2019 report. 


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