HSMAI Digital & Revenue Hotel Training Workshop Agenda


This Hotel workshop mixes revenue management, digital, social, marketing and data analytics to expand your skills in commercialising your hotel or accommodation business.  The only training that sends you back to your hotel tomorrow with a PLAN ready to implement.


No matter what position you hold in a hotel or accommodation business, you need to have an understanding of hotel revenue management.  Join us to learn the basics and take home some tactics to help you improve ROI tomorrow!


A bit of Hotel Digital Marketing, some Social Media learning as well as market segmentation and competitive analysis will add to your plan to take back to your hotel!  Improve your skills, feel more confident when dealing with all things digital.


One-on-one sessions actually working on your property with experts in:

  • Revenue Management
  • Marketing your property
  • Websites and Selling online
  • Managing your Business


  • 2 full days training with 4 experts trainers
  • lunch, morning and afternoon tea both days
  • 10 online courses
  • 12 months access to the online courses
  • HSMAI Certificate of Revenue Optimisation (Hospitality)

FROM USD$650 per person


  • 2 full days training with 4 experts trainers
  • Lunch, morning and afternoon tea both days
  • HSMAI Certificate of Completion

USD$450 per person



Templates will be provided and attendees will be building strategies for their own hotel/s during the workshop. Workshop sessions cover:

  • Revenue Management in Action-what should you be doing every day, every week, every month & why
  • Understanding the Accommodation market incl new metrics to use
  • Segments have changed – are you targeting the right guests?
  • Conduct an audit on your hotel website
  • How to use free data to aid your decision making
  • Develop a SWOT for your property
  • Check your room pricing vs your comp set and Packaging benefits
  • How to use your business mix to determine your marketing strategy
  • Marketing-How to market your USP’s and special offers
  • Digital Marketing-metrics to know and track to keep ahead of your competitors
  • Behind the website-things you might need to do to improve your conversion
  • Most of all, learn from the 4 consultants in the room, and learn from each other.
Revenue Meeting at a hotel


This isn’t an ordinary training workshop, you’ll leave with an Action Plan and templates to complete your Sales & Marketing Plan for your property. Your plan for your property will include:

  • Marketing Activity Template Plan
  • Draft Marketing Budget
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Your current Market Segments
  • Competitor Analysis in 2 areas
  • Your personal action plan

Go back to your hotel with a BIG start on your new action plan for the next 12 months.


10 online courses are included in the 2-day workshop fee.

These provide you with a mix of commercial, digital and revenue topics.  Each course will take 2-4 hours to complete, depending on how much experience you have in the topic.  You can start these courses as soon as you enroll in the workshop.  You will receive a login email explaining how to log into the Learning Management System to complete the courses.

  1. Understanding your Guests path to Booking
  2. Introduction to Revenue Management
  3. Introduction to Digital Marketing
  4. Understanding the Accommodation Market
  5. Market Segmentation
  6. Forecasting
  7. Pricing Rooms
  8. Developing your Hotel SWOT analysis
  9. Owned Media: SEO for Hospitality
  10. Competitive Pricing Analysis


  • 2 full days training with 4 experts trainers
  • Lunch, morning and afternoon tea both days
  • HSMAI Certificate of Completion

USD$450 per person


  • 2 full days training with 4 experts trainers
  • lunch, morning and afternoon tea both days
  • 10 online courses
  • 12 months access to the online courses
  • HSMAI Certificate of Revenue Optimisation (Hospitality)

FROM USD$650 per person

HSMAI Digital & Revenue Hotel Training Workshop Agenda


  • Andrew Lee Assistant Director - Data, Privacy & Digital Payments, Minor Hotels Group
  • David Nicolas Founder, Marketer4Wellness
  • Sunny Yu President, HSMAI Thailand & Director of Sales and Marketing Andaz Pattaya Jomtien Beach
  • Tamie Matthews Revenue & Distribution Support for the Independent Hotelier, HSMAI Advisory Board Member and Certified Trainer in Revenue & Distribution
  • Jackie Douglas President, HSMAI Asia Pacific & Global Chair, HSMAI Academy

DAY 2 Workshop Schedule

You will learn:
  • About Rates strategies (as opposed to tactics)
  • The psychology of Pricing
  • Difference types of pricing
  • How to set a rate strategy
Add to your Plan: Your Rates Strategy

You will learn:

  • Yield Management
  • When to tweak the numbers
  • Discounting and creating offers
  • Corporate rates, high vs Low season and tracking competitors rates
Adding to your Plan: Active Revenue Management Plan

You will learn:

  • How to audit your own website
  • What can you change?  What should you change?
  • How to go about starting a website update project
  • Even if you’re part of a brand, you can improve things on your website to improve conversion and customer experience
Add to your Plan: 3 things you can do to improve your website

You will learn:

  • How to develop your digital marketing plan
  • How, when and where to market your special offers

You will learn:

  • How to Calculate your NPS score and compare to your Competitive set
Add to your Plan: Knowing your comp set score against yours, feel more confident setting ratesand competing

You will learn:

  • Metrics you should watch
  • Social campaign analytics
  • Benchmarking
  • How to conduct a social media audit on your property
  • The top 4 things to do in Social

Add to your Plan: Metrics to measure, top 4 things to do for your property

Hotels sometimes don’t do a few small things that can be very important when driving leads to your website. This short session will cover what you should be doing.

You will learn:

  • SEO – what is it, does it work, how to assess your SEO against your competitors
  • SEO – What is the minum you should be doing
  • Tools and Business Listings you should be on
  • Top 5 things you must do
Add to your Plan: Action items for completing the top 5 things for your property

The last session will include some one-on-one work to help you with any areas you have questions on.

We will also be planning the pricing, distribution and marketing for 1 major event in your market.

Add to your plan: a Marketing campaign plan for 1 major event

DAY 1 Workshop Schedule

You will learn:
  • How customers shop for accommodation
  • Learn what drives customers search and selection process
  • Learn what influences their choices during their search
  • The customer journey, from dreaming about a holiday, to shopping, booking, and experiencing the holiday or trip
  • Travel inspiration how do we find the inspiration to travel, and where to travel to?
  • How to assess your website booking path from your customers perspective
Your Individual 2020 Plan: You will add issues that need to be improved on your website to help improve conversion

This workshop session includes a Revenue Management game and you will learn:

  • Yield Management skills
  • The Founding principles of Revenue Management
  • How Revenue evolved into todays landscape
  • How modern revenue management works

You will learn:

  • Supply and demand in the Hospitality industry
  • Metrics you should track to enable you to actively revenue manage your property

You will learn:

  • Why and when Market Segmentation should be used
  • Step-by-step instructions to develop your market segments
  • Typical market segments used by resorts and regional properties
Add to your Plan: Your Market Segmentation draft plan

You will learn:

  • Why resorts need to forecast their room occupancy and revenue
  • How much time should you spend on forecasting
  • What actions you can take according to your forecast position
  • How to do a simple forecast
  • Why and how often to forecast, or adjust your forecast
  • What different departments can use the forecast for
Add to your Plan: Forecasting template spreadsheet

You will learn:

  • Rate Parity – how to manage this – different case studies
  • Selecting the right Distribution Channels – are there any you are missing out on, or need to ditch?
  • Where to find data and information to help you make better decisions
Add to your plan: Your Distribution channels strategy

You will learn:

  • 4 Prisms of Social Media
  • Top 3 things you should do
  • How to do a Social Media Audit
Add to your plan: Your Social Media Audit template and your 1st completed audit

This session will take you through your room types, descriptions, images and your competitors.

You will learn:

  • It’s not just price that influences bookers
  • 2020 Room type standard naming convention
  • Images, video, Virtual Reality, 360 video
Add to your Plan: at least 3 things you can do to improve your website and increase conversion

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